The hen rears her brood. Artificial incubation and growth observation for the nestlings of Great Bustard ( Otis tarda) 母鸡孵育一窝鸡雏。大鸨人工育雏及雏鸟生长发育的研究(英文)
Time Budget and Activity Rhythm of Great Bustard ( Otis tarda) in Captivity during Breeding Season 笼养大鸨繁殖行为的时间分配和活动节律
Comparison on bones of Otis tarda and Grus japonensis 大鸨和丹顶鹤的骨骼比较
Progress in Researches of Great Bustard ( Otis tarda) in China and its Conservation Strategy 中国大鸨研究进展及保护对策
Study on Mitochondrial DNA Genetic Diversity of Great Bustard ( Otis Tarda Dybowskii) in China 中国大鸨东方亚种(Otistardadybowskii)线粒体DNA遗传多样性的研究
One species of the national first grade protected wildlife and 16 species of the national second grade protected wildlife of China, such as greet bustard ( Otis tarda), are found. Most of the birds in the markets are caught in the field of Tianjin. 鸟市上交易的鸟类还包括国家Ⅰ级保护动物大鸨和16种国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类,如燕隼和鹊鹞等。